Zero-Balance Punishment

What is Zero Balance?

When you sell all of your $SMRAT and your balance = 0.

Then you continue to buy $SMRAT again. Your next collectable date will be extended over 50 years.

Good luck and your children can collect your BNB for you!

What should I do?

If you still want to collect BNB, you can transfer your $SMRAT to another wallet.

Then you can collect your BNB normally without waiting for over 50 years.

Remember you will be charged 10% when transfer between wallet.

Furthermore, whales who make a transfer (between 2 wallets) that is larger than 0,01% of the total supply will be charged for 2 BNB. These 2 BNBs go straight to the BNB reward pool in the Earn BNB feature.

Last updated